greg milka crowe

Back in the mid-1990s, Crowe founded Whole Lotta Milka, one the ska acts notorious for paving the way for the influx of artists being produced out of Winnipeg today. After contributing to Stomp Records' All Skanadian Club compilations in 1995 and 1996, Whole Lotta Milka put out their debut album, Got Milka? in 1996, before the then-two year old label was home to such landmark acts as The Kingpins and Bedouin Soundclash.

Whole Lotta Milka released a second full-length, Al's Diner, in 1999 before splitting up in December of that year. Crowe went on to join The Racketeers before forming The Wedgewoods in early 2001. The Racketeers broke up in the fall of 2001, around the same time The Wedgewoods went into the studio to record their self-titled full-length.

If you've kept all this straight, you'll be happy to know it ends simply: Crowe is releasing his first solo album on April 24, just over two years since he played his first solo show. The album is called Bhakta Basics and as mentioned, will be available through Bacteria Buffet Records.

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