Volunteer for The Ska & Reggae Fest

Looking for a super fun time and a way to get involved? You've found it! We are accepting applications NOW for Victoria's 25th Annual Ska & Reggae Festival! Festival dates are Wednesday, June 19th to Sunday, June 23d, 2024. Simply fill out the volunteer application and submit it!

Please make sure to fill out all sections, and to tell us a bit more about yourself in the area provided on the application so we can get to know you! If you are interested in volunteering for a supervisory position, please email the Volunteer Coordinator as soon as possible. We are always looking for strong, dependable, and amazing people willing to take on a leadership role, and we have several of these roles in need of filling for this year's festival. We are especially looking for volunteers with Serving It Right to work in the beer garden, please include this in your application if you are interested. 

Please note: Volunteers are required are to work a minimum of two shifts. After working shifts (average 6 - 8 hours each), or at Volunteer Coordinator's discretion, volunteers may be eligible for entry into  performances (if they are not already scheduled to work it) depending on scheduling, availability, and capacity.

 2 shifts = Free show 

 3 shifts = 2 Free shows 

 4 shifts = 3 Free shows

 5 shifts = all shows

More information will be available shortly. Thank you for your patience. Please email the Volunteer Coordinator if you have any questions leading up to the festival. If you are interested in getting involved throughout the year or with the Organizing Team and/or Board of Directors, please contact us for more details. We are SO excited to have you on board this year, and can't wait to work with you to make this year's festival our best ever!

Volunteer Coordinators, Emily D & Kylene B 

E-Mail: [email protected]

© 2025 Victoria BC Ska & Reggae Society