Check out the merch tables at all locations during the festival! We will have our own items, plus merchandise from bands playing at that location each day, so make sure you check in regularly to see what our artists have brought with them.
New this year - socks and sunglasses!

Carrier bag
$27.00 + Tax and Shipping
These sturdy bags have a pocket for your water bottle in one end and inside pockets to keep track of small items.
14"W x 6.5"D x 12"H

Ska Society Patch
$6.50 + Tax and Shipping
3" Round Patch with the Society Logo
shipping included when buying with a larger item!

Bumper Sticker
$4.50 + Tax and Shipping
3" x 9" durable bumper sticker - show your love for the Ska and Reggae festival everywhere you go!
shipping included when buying with a larger item!