Ken Preston

I met Ken while auditioning Bryan Hunt for the City Blues. The band was actually falling apart at the time, early 1970. Bryan was working with Ken on another project and decided to merge with them. We took on Rick Whitman as bass player and thus, evolved Bayside Blues.
-Bob Lesher
It is with great sadness that Kenny’s friends announce his passing
on April 5,2019@ North Island Hospital with friends by his side. Kenny lived the life of a musician, driven by his passion for drumming. Ken played in many local bands including Blues Union, Grand Slam, Riff Raff, Kitsch, Honey Bee,
Elmore’s Bar & Grill, Preston McCool, The Gene Grooms Project,Chris Andres to mention a few.
Ken was a compassionate, caring person who was always ready to lend a hand to those in need. He is predeceased by his parents and sister.
Heartfelt thanks to the caring staff at North Island Hospital, Gene Grooms,
Patricia Childs and Gary Thompson for their care.
RIP Kenny- Sharon Wadsworth