
If you’ve forgotten how to party then take a crash course from these Nanaimo-based musical dervishes, who deliver a wacky version of west coast ska that has been accessorized with hilarious vocals, a four-man horn line, and a mandate to get the whole crowd going crazy. The band consists of drummer Brodie Ketelsen, vocalist/saxman Matthew Carter, bassist Kayle Hammel, trombonist Dave St. Jean, trumpeter/vocalist Scot Rounding and guitarist Tristan Armstrong.
“A side-splitting party ride from start to finish.” –Mike Devlin, Times Colonist

The kiltlifters have recorstudio albums and have done more than 350 shows, including four cross-Canada tours, house parties, music festivals, all-ages punk shows and a handful of weddings.



( July 2009 NRG Records )
( 2008 )
( 2004 )
( 1999 )
© 2025 Victoria BC Ska & Reggae Society