Kim Newns

Ginja Lion Art is passionate, playful, and radiating with a colourful zeal of energy and flow. "I seek the natural focal points, patterns and guidelines to lead the viewer's eye. FUN is my personal mantra. This means not taking everything so seriously. When painting, I believe there are no mistakes, only an additional layer – and that is okay! Painting with music is a MUST! It helps relax my mind and I find myself painting in beat with whatever is on. If you have checked me out at an ArtBattle, I am generally DANCING while I paint too! In February 2015, my art was featured as a two-page spread in NICHE Magazine. In March 25th, I organized and hosted an art show / fundraiser for TAPS (Together Against Poverty Society) with artist Kimberly Dean. Last year, I was a participant in Victoria's Art Battle Regional Finals. I am now an instructor for Paint Nite on Vancouver Island!"

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