Mike Love

If you haven't heard about Mike Love, now is the time to learn yourself a thing or two about one of the most important forces in the current reggae climate. The Hawaiian native has built a small empire from the ground up, working entirely independently and building his own label, Love Not War Records, to spread his unflinchingly positive message. In these troubled, frantic times, Love's music is a salve for humanity. Songs like “Penniless” and “I Love You” tackle societal ills and general love respectively, showing the range of Love's inspiration. “I’ve never been into music that was shallow. I’m still learning about where I’m going and where I want to be. All the music is a learning tool for me too. I just make myself open to it and the messages come through. It’s just as teaching and healing for me as it is for anyone,” Love says. This deeply inspired love for humanity and the Earth is buoyed by incredible guitar work and Mike Love's saccharinely sweet voice. The combination of positivity and top-tier musicianship has won Love fans all over the world, winning him appearances at Cali Roots, Wanderlust, the Montreal Jazz Fest and, at long last, Victoria Ska & Reggae Fest!

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