Aaron Carnes of In Defense of Ska

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Aaron Carnes is a music journalist based out of Sacramento, California. His work has appearedin Playboy, Salon, Bandcamp Daily, Sierra Club, Noisey, Sun Magazine, and Good Times. His book "In Defense of Ska" was an Amazon best seller. He is also the host of the popular "In Defense of Ska" podcast. Guests have included Margaret Cho, Patrick Stump (Fall Out Boy), John Darnielle (Mountain Goats), and Laura Jane Grace (Against Me).
Aaron has been listening to ska since the early ’90s. He used to play drums in a ska band. Now he just plays ska on his car stereo. When he’s not defending ska, he enjoys backpacking with his wife Amy Bee, playing video games, and talking about music from every existing genre. Ska will always be his favorite.