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JAH CUTTA & DETERMINATION BAND WITH BUENA BUYA - KILLER REGGAE/SKA//LATIN BILL!!: Jah Cutta and The Determination Band, Buena Buya @ Lucky Bar Apr 25 2008 - Mar 26th @ Lucky Bar

Event Archive - JAH CUTTA & DETERMINATION BAND WITH BUENA BUYA - KILLER REGGAE/SKA//LATIN BILL!!: Jah Cutta and The Determination Band, Buena Buya

Fri. April 25th 2008 at Lucky Bar Victoria BC (No Minors)
$12 advance
This show is going to be quite the party... Jah Cutta and the Determination Band are one of Canada's reggae legends and they'll draw people out of the woodwork that have known Jah Cutta for many years.

Buena Buya are on the rise with their unique blend of reggae/Latin and ska! Don't miss this one because it will probably sell out... Keep logged on to WWW.VICTORIASKAFEST.CA and LIVEVICTORIA.COM to keep up with the most recent info!

Tickets available at Lyle's Place, Jamaican Jerkhouse, The Reef, Ditch Records & TICKETWEB.CA


Jah Cutta and The Determination Band
Reggae/roots/dancehall from Montreal Quebec
Buena Buya
Latin from Victoria BC
circa 2006 - circa 2010
© 2025 Victoria BC Ska & Reggae Society