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TEQUILA MOCKINGBIRD ORCHESTRA returns home with special guests High Society!: Tequila Mockingbird Orchestra, High Society, Jesse LeBourdais @ Distrikt Feb 7 2013 - Feb 11th @ Distrikt

Event Archive - TEQUILA MOCKINGBIRD ORCHESTRA returns home with special guests High Society!: Tequila Mockingbird Orchestra, High Society, Jesse LeBourdais

Thu. February 7th 2013 at Distrikt Victoria BC (No Minors)
9:45pm - 1:30am doors at 9pm
Thursday, February 7th - Victoria BC Ska Society is proud to present another homecoming of Tequila Mockingbird Orchestra with special funk/soul guests from East Vancouver High Society & singer songwriter Jesse LeBourdais. The show will be a festive affair full of danceable folk, ska, funk, punk and soul!

Tickets on sale now at Lyle's Place, Ditch Records, Strathcona Hotel & ticketweb.ca!


Tequila Mockingbird Orchestra
Indie-Folk-Gypsy-Roots from Victoria BC
High Society
Alternative Soul from Vancouver BC
Jesse LeBourdais
Folk/Punk/Rock and Roll from Vancouver BC