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BOOKER T. JONES & KEITH & TEX SPECIAL KEY-NOTE ADDRESS with guests VIC HIGH R&B BAND: Booker T. Jones, Keith and Tex, VIc High Rhythm and Blues Band @ Victoria High School Auditorium Jun 15 2017 - Mar 26th @ Victoria High School Auditorium

Event Archive - BOOKER T. JONES & KEITH & TEX SPECIAL KEY-NOTE ADDRESS with guests VIC HIGH R&B BAND: Booker T. Jones, Keith and Tex, VIc High Rhythm and Blues Band

Thu. June 15th 2017 at Victoria High School Auditorium Victoria BC (All Ages)
1pm - 3pm doors at 12:30pm
Presented by: Victoria BC Ska and Reggae Society, Victoria Ska & Reggae Festival, Vic High Rhythm and Blues Band
Victoria BC Ska Society in partnership with the Victoria High School R&B Band is excited to present this first time key-note address ft. Lifetime Grammy Achievement & Rock N' Roll Hall of Fame Inductee Booker T. Jones with Jamaica's legendary rocksteady/reggae duo Keith & Tex.

The goals of the session are to provide youth and the general public a greater understanding of the roots of Jamaican rooted music focusing on how American soul & R&B and Stax Records artists have influenced rocksteady and reggae practitioners in Jamaica and throughout the rest of the world.

Booker T. Jones and Keith & Tex will give key-note addresses to the audience followed by a question and answer period. The Vic High R&B Band led by Eric Emde will also perform a short set at this historic event.


Booker T. Jones
Soul/R&B/Blues/Jazz from Memphis Tennessee
Keith and Tex
Rocksteady, Reggae, Soul, Ska from Tampa Florida
© 2025 Victoria BC Ska & Reggae Society