The Deb Rhymer Band Live at The Upper Deck October 18 2015

I had some extra time so I dropped in to see The Deb Rhymer Band playing live at their regular Sunday afternoon jam held weekly at the Upper Deck on Gorge Road, here in Victoria.
I grabbed a Caesar (for non-Canucks, this is like a bloody Mary, but made with Clamato, a clam and tomato juice and is NOTHING like the salad, 'cept there is a lime wedge, plus a pickled bean! and some olives..) in one hand and the cam in the other and shot a few songs.
Nice to see Deb and the Band kickin' it out!

This video can be used copyright free by Deb Rhymer, The Deb Rhymer Band, and the Upper Deck in the Travelodge on Gorge Road, Victoria, B.C., Canada.
In this Video Artist(s) Andy Graffiti, Clayton O'Howe, Deb Rhymer (Hunt), Neil Taylor
Posted: Jan. 5, 2016 via
Filmed: Oct. 18, 2015
© 2025 Victoria BC Ska & Reggae Society