Dave Harris - Leavin' In The Morning

One man band Dave Harris makes up a song on the spot, loosely based on Hambone Willie Newbern's Delta blues classic Roll & Tumble. Dave is playing a Lowebow cigar box slide guitar, rack harp and Farmer foot drums. The Lowebow (built by John Lowe in Memphis) is a cigar box body with two dowels conjoined (the neck)with a bass string on one and three guitar strings on the other, each with their own pickups and separate outputs. One output is sent to a bass amp and one to a guitar amp, giving a very full sound. The harp is miked using a Strnad clip-on mic plugged into an old Oahu amp. The Farmer foot drums (not seen but heard) are built by Pete Farmer and feature snare and bass drums with high-hat and an extra stick hitting the high-hat. The recording was made in early March 2016 in Victoria BC Canada.
In this Video Artist(s) Dave Harris
Posted: Mar. 18, 2016 via rcmpsite.com
Filmed: Mar. 18, 2016
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