Event Archive - JOHN BROWN'S BODY'S VANCOUVER DEBUT @560 Club (replacing old Richards on Richards) w/ Giraffe Aftermath! On the Road to Ska Fest 2010!: John Brown's Body, Giraffe Aftermath
Thu. April 15th 2010 at FIVESIXTY Vancouver BC
10pm - 2am doors at 9pm
$15.00 adv.+
Presented by: Victoria BC Ska and Reggae Society, Teeks Tekniques
TICKETS ON SALE NOW at Zulu, Highlife, Scratch, Redcat Records & TICKETWEB.CA!
This will be a reggae/skankster's paradise. Victoria BC Ska Society and Teeks Techniques is proud to bring John Brown's Body to Vancouver for the 1st time. And we're going happy to have one of Vancouver's finest rub-a-dub reggae rockers - Giraffe Aftermath. This will be an awesome show and the ticket price is another bonus;)
You may remember that John Brown's Body opened up for Slightly Stoopid a few years ago and blew the roof off the Commodore Ballroom. Now they're back with a follow up to their Billboard Hit album "Amplify" now with Re-Amplify. Re-Amplify features re-mixed versions of Amplify with artists such as Dubmatix - Canada's best dub/drum n'bass/reggae/dubstep outfits, Blue King Brown and Gym Class Heroes.
This will be a reggae/skankster's paradise. Victoria BC Ska Society and Teeks Techniques is proud to bring John Brown's Body to Vancouver for the 1st time. And we're going happy to have one of Vancouver's finest rub-a-dub reggae rockers - Giraffe Aftermath. This will be an awesome show and the ticket price is another bonus;)
You may remember that John Brown's Body opened up for Slightly Stoopid a few years ago and blew the roof off the Commodore Ballroom. Now they're back with a follow up to their Billboard Hit album "Amplify" now with Re-Amplify. Re-Amplify features re-mixed versions of Amplify with artists such as Dubmatix - Canada's best dub/drum n'bass/reggae/dubstep outfits, Blue King Brown and Gym Class Heroes.