Event Archive - ZVULOON DUB SYSTEM from Tel Aviv, Israel set for ON THE ROAD TO SKA FEST 2011 Island style - FREE OUTDOOR, ALL AGES SHOW! (Beverage Garden w/ID): Zvuloon Dub System, Jon Bone & The Karuna Movement, The Boom Booms
Fri. June 17th 2011 at Spirit Square aka Centennial Square Victoria BC
5:30pm - 10pm doors at 5pm
Presented by: Victoria BC Ska and Reggae Society
Zvuloon Dub System from Tel Aviv, Israel comes to Canada for the 1st time in June 2011. Victoria BC Ska Society is proud to host one of the Canadian dates to celebrate the coming of the Victoria Ska Festival. This is a free all ages outdoor show w/ beverage garden and concession. Sponsored by the City of Victoria