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THE AGGROLITES RETURN TO VANCOUVER AT THE IMPERIAL!: THE AGGROLITES, The Valuables, The Mean Threes, Jonny Was, Young Royal of Boss Takeover @ The Imperial Jul 2 2014 - Feb 11th @ The Imperial

Event Archive - THE AGGROLITES RETURN TO VANCOUVER AT THE IMPERIAL!: THE AGGROLITES, The Valuables, The Mean Threes, Jonny Was, Young Royal of Boss Takeover

Wed. July 2nd 2014 at The Imperial Vancouver BC (No Minors)
9:00pm doors at 8:00pm
Tickets at: Highlife Records, Ticketweb, Red Cat Records, Zulu Records
Victoria BC Ska Society proudly presents The Aggrolites, The Valuables, The Mean Threes, Jonny Was and Young Royal of Boss Takeover - Wed. July 2nd, 2014 at Imperial Vancouver - one of Vancouver's hottest new rooms! This show is being produced in support of Victoria's 15th Anniversary Ska Festival which will be happening in Victoria BC - July 1st - 5th, 2014.

The combination of all of these bands on the same bill is rare on Canada's westcoast so when it comes together you have gotsta come out! Note: The Mean Threes have replaced The Expanders as of June 24th, 2014.


Reggae/ska/funk/R&B from Los Angeles California
The Valuables
Soul/Regage from Vancouver BC
The Mean Threes
Jonny Was
Young Royal of Boss Takeover