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LOS RASTRILLOS MAKE LONG AWAITED RETURN TO VANCOUVER w/PROVIDENCIA from Medellin, Colombia and Los Furios!: Los Rastrillos, Providencia, Los Furios @ The Imperial Jul 11 2014 - Mar 26th @ The Imperial

Event Archive - LOS RASTRILLOS MAKE LONG AWAITED RETURN TO VANCOUVER w/PROVIDENCIA from Medellin, Colombia and Los Furios!: Los Rastrillos, Providencia, Los Furios

Fri. July 11th 2014 at The Imperial Vancouver BC (No Minors)
9:00pm doors at 8:00pm
$17.50 early bird/$19.50 reg advance
Tickets at: Highlife Records, Ticketweb, Red Cat Records, Zulu Records
Los Rastrillos (Mexico City) make their long awaited return to Vancouver after a five year absence. Los Rastrillos are no strangers to British Columbia's musical community playing at Victoria Ska Festival twice and other major festivals such as Vancouver Folk Fest, Vancouver Jazz Fest, Starbelly and more! In case you have never seen Los Rastrillos they play a mixture of reggae, ska, jazz, funk and other Latin American musical styles mixed in.


Los Rastrillos
Latin/Reggae/Ska/Jazz from Mexico City Mexico
from Medellin Colombia
Los Furios
Ska from Vancouver BC
© 2025 Victoria BC Ska & Reggae Society