Event Archive - SUGAR MINOTT, PASHON, Jus Goodie, Itawe
Sun. October 23rd 2005 at Central Bar & Grill Victoria BC
8pm - 1am
$18 in advance
Presented by: Atomique Productions, Victoria BC Ska and Reggae Society
The Jamaican Reggae Legend SUGAR MINOTT with his crew JUS GOODIE, the talented and astetically pleasing PASHON & ITAWE are confirmed to play at Central Bar & Grill on Sunday, October 23rd/05.
This is a rare opportunity to see artists from both the old and new school. SUGAR MINOTT spent much of his time recording at Coxsone Dodd's Studio One. Establishing himself as a unique artist with a rich voice and exciting stage presence, Sugar has gone on to record for a number of myriad of producers as well as producing a number albums for his own Youthman Promotions Label. Sugar has always been a strong believer in his roots and has put alot of money and energy into his Youthman Promotions Studio and label in Kingston where he grew up.
As a result many artists that are very popular today got their chance to show their talents through Youthman Promotions' releases and shows. Sugar fostered the talents of reggae greats Half Pint, the late Tenor Saw and many others as well as recording records for reggae greats such as the late Garnett Silk, Tony Rebel and Yami Bolo.
It is rare that Sugar Minott would bless us with his presence... I'm telling you usually you'd only see him play at major reggae festivals such as Reggae on the River or the Sierra World Music Festival in Nevada but fortunetely he has decided to finally bless us by coming here.
Tickets available at Lyle's Place, Ditch Records, Caribbean Village, Central Bar & Grill & Ticketweb.com
This is a rare opportunity to see artists from both the old and new school. SUGAR MINOTT spent much of his time recording at Coxsone Dodd's Studio One. Establishing himself as a unique artist with a rich voice and exciting stage presence, Sugar has gone on to record for a number of myriad of producers as well as producing a number albums for his own Youthman Promotions Label. Sugar has always been a strong believer in his roots and has put alot of money and energy into his Youthman Promotions Studio and label in Kingston where he grew up.
As a result many artists that are very popular today got their chance to show their talents through Youthman Promotions' releases and shows. Sugar fostered the talents of reggae greats Half Pint, the late Tenor Saw and many others as well as recording records for reggae greats such as the late Garnett Silk, Tony Rebel and Yami Bolo.
It is rare that Sugar Minott would bless us with his presence... I'm telling you usually you'd only see him play at major reggae festivals such as Reggae on the River or the Sierra World Music Festival in Nevada but fortunetely he has decided to finally bless us by coming here.
Tickets available at Lyle's Place, Ditch Records, Caribbean Village, Central Bar & Grill & Ticketweb.com