Montana - Lorelei (Brian MacLeod)

Montana recorded some singles and shot a couple videos in the mid-late 80's. The band was Rick Livingstone - vocals/guitar, Ross Damude - guitar, Brian MacLeod - drums, Denny Driscoll - bass, Karl Moraski - keyboards. About the song, Rick Livingstone says: "Brian was the drummer, arranger, recorded the song on his boat, played all the keyboards and guitars (except the bass and the lead solos oddly enough) and sang almost all of the backgrounds except the female voice. Man, he could make shit happen".

Sorry about the sketchy audio quality and latency. VCR's and laptops don't always get along...
In this Video Artist(s) Ross Damude, Rick Livingstone, Brian McLeod, Dennis Driscoll
Posted: Nov. 25, 2015 via
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